Terms & Conditions

Booking is essential and your voucher code must be quoted at the time of booking. The original voucher must be presented on arrival (no photocopies or screenshots will be accepted). An alternative method of payment will be required if you do not pre-book or present the original voucher.

The unique voucher code can be redeemed once only. Gift vouchers are non-refundable and non-transferable. Gift vouchers cannot be exchanged for other products or for cash. No change will be given. Entire value must be used in one visit. Cannot be applied to existing bookings. It is the responsibility of the purchaser and recipient to ensure that this unique voucher code is not disclosed to others. Product descriptions are subject to change. Our normal reservation and cancellation policies apply. The specified validity date cannot be extended and all services are subject to availability, so please book in advance.

Just for January vouchers are valid only for redemption between 1st Jan and 31st Jan.